What is Yoga ? Benefits of Yoga & Rules ! ( योग क्या है? योग के लाभ - नियम )

What is Yoga ? Benefits of Yoga & Rules ! ( योग क्या है? योग के लाभ - नियम )

Yoga is the science of living properly and hence it should be included in daily life.  It works on all aspects of our life, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and spiritual.  Yoga means unity or bind.  The root of the word is the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to join.  At the spiritual level, this joining means the unification of individual consciousness with universal consciousness.  On a practical level, yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotions.  This yoga or unity is attained through the practice of asana, pranayama, mudra, bandhan, hetkarma and meditation.  So yoga is also a w.of living and the ultimate purpose in itself.

Yoga first benefits the external body, which is a practical and familiar starting place for most people.  When an imbalance is experienced at this level, organs, muscles, and nerves do not work in harmony, rather they act in opposition to each other.

 Yoga works on mental and emotional levels after the external body.  As a result of the stress and interactions of everyday life, many people suffer from many mental troubles.  Yoga may not provide them immediately but it is a proven method to combat them.

 In the last century, hatha yoga (which is just one type of yoga) became very famous and popular.  But awareness of the true meaning of yoga and total knowledge is now continuously increasing.

What is Yoga ? Benefits of Yoga & Rules ! ( योग क्या है? योग के लाभ - नियम )

Benefits of Yoga 

Physical and mental healing is one of the most known benefits of yoga.  It is so powerful and effective because it works on the principles of harmony and integration.

 Yoga is a successful treatment option in asthma, diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, digestive disorders and other diseases, especially where modern science has not been successful in giving treatment till date.  Research on the effects of yoga on HIV is currently underway with promising results.  

For most people, however, yoga is only the main means of maintaining health in a stressful society.  Yoga reverses the effects of bad habits, such as sitting in a chair all day, overeating mobile phones, not exercising, wrong eating, etc.

 Apart from these, yoga also has many spiritual benefits.  It is not easy to describe them, because you will have to achieve and then realize it by practicing yoga yourself.  Yoga benefits each person differently.  So must adopt yoga and improve your mental, physical, spiritual and spiritual health.


Rules of Yoga 

If you follow these simple rules, then you will definitely get full benefit of yoga practice:

  • Start a yoga practice under the guidance of a guru.
  • The right time for yoga is during sunrise or sunset.
  • Take a bath before doing yoga.
  • Do yoga on an empty stomach.  
  • Do not eat anything for 2 hours before doing yoga.
  • Wear comfortable cotton clothes. 
  • Tmind should be clean as well - remove all bad thoughts from the mind before doing yoga.
  • yoga in a calm environment and a clean place. 
  • Complete your meditation  Stay focused on your yoga practice. 
  • Practice yoga with patience and perseverance. 
  • Don't force yourself with your body at all. Be patient.  
  • It takes time to feel the benefits of yoga. 
  • Continue practicing yoga continuously. 
  • Do not eat anything until 30 minutes after doing yoga.  
  • Do not take bath for 1 hour. 
  • Always do Pranayama after practicing asanas. 
  • If there is any medical problem, please consult the doctor first. 
  • If the trouble starts or if there is any new trouble then stop practicing yoga immediately.

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